Know more about ZKBANK
The smart contract app to defi with popular dApps while maintaining absolute privacy at the best rates and fees. Take back control over your financial information by utilizing privacy-centric solution fortified with built-in compliance measures.
For real business
Effortlessly handle salary payments and settlements with clients while keeping internal details confidential.
For investors
Securely buy, swap, and deposit assets with complete confidentiality and zero risk of disclosure.
For OTC desks
Keep the counterparts and amount of your P2P transfers private.
Multi-chain liquidity
Operate with liquidity on major blockchains instead of waiting for projects to migrate to some rollups. 
Assets logistics
Privax streamlines access to assets on top dApps with optimised routing and logistics.
Account abstraction
A user-friendly DeFI experience to login and interact with optimized fees.
Privacy preserving contracts
ZK contracts that work with both private and public information, preserving user privacy by keeping and processing private data on the user's device, preventing the exposure of highly confidential information like KYC and identities.
Compliance framework
Eliminate concerns about decentralized finance risks; your assets are safeguarded through built-in AML analytics.
Multi-party computation
Use MPC for unlocking the power of secure and collaborative computations on sensitive data, ensuring privacy and decentralizing trust in your operations.